Keyboard Shortcuts Pada Mozilla Firefox - #IsiHardisk Keyboard Shortcuts Pada Mozilla Firefox ~ #IsiHardisk

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Keyboard Shortcuts Pada Mozilla Firefox

 Mozilla Firefox, yup siapa sih yang ga tau mozilla firefox?? Mozilla Firefox adalah peramban web lintas platform bebas dan sumber terbuka yang dikembangkan oleh Yayasan Mozilla dan ratusan sukarelawan. Sebelum rilis versi 1.0-nya pada 9 November 2004, Firefox telah mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat bagus dari pihak media, termasuk dari Forbes dan Wall Street Journal.

Fitur yang ditawarkan Firefox meliputi penggunaan tab, pengecekan ejaan, pencarian, markah buku (bookmark), mengembalikan session, pengunduhan, dan private browsing.[16] Firefox menerapkan beberapa standar web, termasuk HTML4 (juga sebagian HTML5), XML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, dan DOM.

Di antara fitur populer Firefox adalah pemblokir pop-up yang sudah terpasang di dalamnya, dan sebuah mekanisme pengembangan (extension) untuk menambah fungsionalitas tambahan. Meskipun fitur-fitur ini sudah tersedia untuk beberapa lamanya di peramban-peramban web lainnya seperti Mozilla Suite dan Opera, Firefox merupakan peramban web pertama yang mendapatkan penerimaan dalam skala sebesar ini. Firefox ditargetkan untuk mendapat sekitar 10% pangsa pasar Internet Explorer keluaran Microsoft (peramban web terpopuler dengan margin yang besar (per 2004) hingga tahun 2005, yang telah disebut oleh banyak orang sebagai tahun kembalinya perang peramban web.

Sumber Wikipedia        

Namun yang mahu di bagikan kali ini adalah Keyboard Shortcuts pada Mozilla Firefox itu sendiri, ya mungkim belum banyak yang mengetahuinya,

Lebih lengkapnya bisa kunjungi di Keyboar Shorcuts

Windows & Tabs

Command Shortcut
Close Tab Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F4

- except for Pinned Tabs
Close Window Ctrl + Shift + W
Alt + F4
Cycle through Tabs in Recently Used Order Ctrl + Tab
-if enabled in Options
Exit Ctrl + Shift + Q
Go one Tab to the Left Ctrl + Page Up
Ctrl + Shift + Tab*
* see below
Go one Tab to the Right Ctrl + Page Down
Ctrl + Tab*
* if the setting Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order is disabled in Options
Go to Tab 1 to 8 Ctrl + 1 to 8
Go to Last Tab Ctrl + 9
Move Tab Left Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Move Tab Right Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Move Tab to start Ctrl + Shift + Home
- requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
Move Tab to end Ctrl + Shift + End
- requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
Mute/Unmute Audio Ctrl + M
New Tab Ctrl + T
New Window Ctrl + N
New Private Window Ctrl + Shift + P
Open Address or Search in New Background Tab Alt + Shift + Enter
- from address bar
Open Address or Search in New Foreground Tab Alt + Enter
- from address bar or Search bar
Open Address or Search in New Window Shift + Enter
- from address bar or the Search field on the New Tab page
Open Search in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter
- from the Search field on the New Tab page.
(see note, below)
Open Search in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
- from the Search field on the New Tab page.
Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Options
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in Current Tab Enter
Open Focused Bookmark in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Enter
Open Focused Bookmark in New Background Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Open Focused Link in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter
(see note, below)
Open Focused Link in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When you open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Options
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in New Window Shift + Enter
Undo Close Tab Ctrl + Shift + T
Undo Close Window Ctrl + Shift + N
Moves the URL left or right (if cursor is in the address bar) Ctrl + Shift + X


Command Shortcut
History sidebar Ctrl + H
Library window (History) Ctrl + Shift + H
Clear Recent History Ctrl + Shift + Del


Command Shortcut
Bookmark All Tabs Ctrl + Shift + D
Bookmark This Page Ctrl + D
Bookmarks sidebar Ctrl + B
Library window (Bookmarks) Ctrl + Shift + B
Show List of All Bookmarks. Space
- in Empty Search Field in Bookmarks Library Window or Sidebar.
Focus Next Bookmark/Folder whose name (or sorted property) starts with a given character or character sequence Type the character or quickly type the character sequence
- in Bookmarks Library, Bookmarks Toolbar, Bookmarks Menu, Bookmarks Sidebar


Command Shortcut
Downloads Ctrl + J
Add-ons Ctrl + Shift + A
Toggle Developer Tools F12
Ctrl + Shift + I
Web Console Ctrl + Shift + K
Inspector Ctrl + Shift + C
Debugger Ctrl + Shift + S
Style Editor Shift + F7
Profiler Shift + F5
Network Ctrl + Shift + E
Developer Toolbar Shift + F2
Responsive Design View Ctrl + Shift + M
Scratchpad Shift + F4
Page Source Ctrl + U
Browser Console Ctrl + Shift + J
Page Info Ctrl + I

PDF Viewer

Command Shortcut
Next page N or J or
Previous page P or K or
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + -
Automatic Zoom Ctrl + 0
Rotate the document clockwise R
Rotate counterclockwise Shift + R
Switch to Presentation Mode Ctrl + Alt + P
Choose Text Selection Tool S
Choose Hand Tool H
Focus the Page Number input box Ctrl + Alt + G


Command Shortcut
Complete .com Address Ctrl + Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry Shift + Del
Toggle Full Screen F11
Toggle Menu Bar activation (showing it temporarily when hidden) Alt or F10
Toggle Reader Mode F9
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Address Bar F6
Alt + D
Ctrl + L
Focus Search Field in Library F6
Ctrl + F
Stop Autoscroll Mode Esc
Cancel Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Menu Esc
Toggle Context Menu Shift + F10

Media shortcuts

Command Shortcut
Toggle Play / Pause Space bar
Decrease volume
Increase volume
Mute audio Ctrl +
Unmute audio Ctrl +
Seek back 15 seconds
Seek back 10 % Ctrl +
Seek forward 15 seconds
Seek forward 10 % Ctrl +
Seek to the beginning Home
Seek to the end End

Selection of Multiple Tabs

These shortcuts require the tab bar to be "in focus." Currently, the only way to do this is to focus an adjacent object and "tab into" the tab bar, for instance, by hitting Ctrl + L to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab repeatedly until the current tab gets a dotted rectangle.
Command Shortcut
Select left, right, first or last tab. Deselect all other tabs. Arrow Keys
Move the dotted rectangle to left, right, first or last tab. Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Ctrl + Home
Ctrl + End
Select or deselect the tab with the dotted rectangle. The other tabs stay selected or deselected. Ctrl + Space


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